Sunday, June 7, 2009

Here's to the Dynamic Duo!

I was talking with my mom this evening as her and my dad were returning from their grandson's first birthday party. I felt compelled to write my blog posting about them, the dynamic duo!

What makes them the dynamic duo? I would say it is the breadth and depth of the love that they share for one another. When I think of successful marriages, for obvious reasons, my parents rise to the top of the list. I have never met two people who exemplify the words, "love", "sacrificing", "commitment" with such humilty and grace. The hand of God has been and continues to be over their lives. Not only have they set the example of what it means to be present in a marriage, but they also have a lot of fun with one another. When people ask me if my parents are still together, I jokingly respond, "My parents have been together for over thirty years and are STILL all over each other!" Watching them learn and grow together and walking together in this journey we call life is one reason that I do not take marriage lightly. Mom has sacrificed a lot...Dad has sacrificed a lot, but they lovingly do so. It's an awesome example of the partnership God wanted from man and wife.

When it comes to his "good thing" (Prov. 18:22), Dad is very protective of Mom. Not even three knuckleheaded kided would tear them apart. Dad's love for Mom reminds me of the love that Solomon had for his Shulamite bride and that Boaz had for Ruth: passionate, protective, and pure. For those that might get it twisted, it is that "ride or die" love that Jay-Z raps about in his duet with Beyonce (this comparison is specifically for my young yet faithful blog readers).

I had to ask Mom for help in describing her relationship for Dad. She liken it to the relationship shared between Ruth and Naomi..."where you go, I will go," "where you stay, I will stay," and when you take the children to the tennis court, I will stay at home and enjoy peace and quiet" (hee hee). Maybe the last statement is not found in the bible, but Mom has definitely been a woman who sacrifices and places others before herself. She also provides great wisdom similiar to Queen Esther. She cares and often times speaks on the behalf of her husband's, childrens', her brothers', sisters', and mother's and other family members interests. Mom also has tough layering...she is not one to toy with!

Mom and Dad will celebrate thirty-five years of marriage in June. I consider myself very blessed and fortunate to witness the good fruit produce from their commitment to each other.

Here's to the Dynamic Duo!

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