Saturday, January 30, 2010

What's it worth...?

Jessica, my sister in law, posted an idea that may inspire me to approach the New Year in an unique way," choose one little word to inspire [you] through out the year." Instead of feeling pressure or unsuccessful in achieving resolutions (which I have not done since I was 17), this approach may be just what I need to jumpstart my efforts in improving my perspective of physical, spiritual, professional, and social life.'s WORTH a try! 'one little word' is worth. Why did I select the word...because it was the first word that popped up in my head. Or perhaps in the past couple of weeks, my thoughts have centered around my motivation (material, monetary, or other reasons) in how I live my life.

Education, for obvious reasons to my family and friends who know me well, is of extreme worth and ranks high on my list. I credit my mom and dad for the achievements that I made in education because it was something that was of high value to them. Coming from humble beginnings, my parents always believed that education ensures a better life...personally and financially. To this day, this is still their belief. I agree with them to an extent. Perhaps my view is more complex. Personally, I think that there are two types of in school and education outside of school. By going to college, graduate school, traveling and living in different parts of the U.S., and being exposed to different people has challenged my perspectives about life. Financially, I have discovered that education costs A LOT of money and I can only hope, through delayed gratification, to eventually reap the benefits. Being in a helping profession has a different worth that most of the time is not seen or experienced financially. I can only hope that my perspective of the financial worth of education will change over time.

Getting a PhD (before I had any knowledge of the pain associated in getting a doctoral degree) has multiple points of worth. I wanted to better position myself to help people more freely, make a larger contribution to society by teaching and doing research, and interact with different professionals in ways that my Masters did not allow (people respond differently when you have Dr. before your first name). I can only hope that the worth that I placed in getting the PhD meets or far exceeds my expectations. If these expectations are not met, how will I then assess the worth of PhD? Was it worth it...? thing is apparent. I place a lot of worth on what I get out of going through a situation or process, which places me in the majority. I am sure the majority of the population lots at worth in that manner. But let me consider joining the minority that looks at worth from the perspective of learning something new (good or painful) as they go through the journey. I have exposed myself to new people, places, perspectives while learning to accept things about myself that I can better, and things that need to remain the same whether people like it or not.

I look foward to further exploring my motivations through this 'one little word' journey. Won't you travel with me...?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Keep running...

A year ago, I wish that I could make my own more getting up at the crack of dawn to make it to work by 7:30 a.m. I detested working at a desk as I stared at the clock move slower and slower and slower until it struck 4:30. And the sad thing about it...I had to wake up and do it all over again the next day. It was a really bad remake of 'Groundhog Day!'

I also remember a year ago wishing for more money. I know that I am about 5 years from making six digits, but I was eager to be paid closer to what I am worth. Ambitious, hard-working, passionate, creative, team player, who can write grants and design cool public health programs...BS, MPH, PhD-c, CHES PB. See...the letters should make me appear very important. I drept about making my own schedule and getting paid more cheddar! out of two isn't bad. Be careful what you ask for. For almost one year, I have been blessed to make my own schedule. I can stay up as late as I want (heck, I did that when I had to wake up early--nightowl!), work mornings and take most of the evening off, or work evenings and take most of the morning off. The world was my oyster. has not been the ideal situation. So my job became completing this doctorate. I have been labor for almost 12 months and I am able to EXPLODE! Lord, may I have this baby called a PhD?! Isn't it time for it to be released from my physical, intectual, psycho-social, emotional, mental, and spiritual being so I can reclaim my life once again and blog about new things!? I keep hearing that I am almost there, but this is the longest marathon I have ever run in my life. In fact, the marathon that I ran in last October was easier than completing my dissertation.

I will keep my eyes open just a little while longer, Lord. I will keep running (albeit at a steady pace) until Ireceive my prize...the letters (PhD), but of course, I am looking more forward to the purpose that you have in store for me at the finish line. Funny, I don't think that the race will end upon completing this degree. Heaven is a long way; it's just a means to an end....

What a way to start the New Year! It has to get better. In fact, I am counting on it to get better.