Tuesday, August 10, 2010

There are miracles all around us...

I can close my eyes and see all the events that are not a result of coincidence or luck. I am thinking of my aunt who survived a near fatal accident a month ago and was singing and praising God at our recent family reunion. Another miracle -- the birth of my niece - who against all odds survived a high risk surgery and now is being cradled in the arms of her mother. Or admiring the strength and fortitude of my dear cousins who are grieving the loss of their father and mother. In spite of these events, they are real testimonies of God's hand and presence in the mist of tragedy. John's childhood friend and college roommate also remains on my mind. Although he is unable to physically walk, he moves in other ways. The burns and bodily damage that he experienced was enough to kill any average person, but his faith in God is the "fuel" that ignites his presence. It is also inspiring to witness the faith and love of his wife and child as they remain strong and steadfast during challenging times. There are miracles all around us...there are miracles all around me.

If I am not careful, it is so easy to take God's presence and the miraculous wonders He orchestrates every day for granted. I just thank God for mainfesting Himself to me and others on a daily basis.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

And she received a paycheck!

Praise the Lord! Last Saturday, I received my first paycheck! You may ask what I did with my earnings?! Church tithe and offerings, rent, credit card bills, moving expenses debt, car loan payment, and the first of ten loan payments to my parents for car repairs. The good news...my car is officially mine! It's nice to own something!

It has been one month since I began my job at Indiana University. I am so happy to be gainfully employed. The campus is beautiful even in the mist of hot and humid weather. I also enjoy the flexibility of my postdoc assignment. I am able to create my own research agenda. One challenge of academia is it is very lonely. It will be interesting to see how I navigate through this world and be able to produce products to place on my curriculum vitae. I am struggling with juggling so many writing projects, but I pray that God will help me with prioritization and time management. If someone asked me if I plan to stay in academia, I would say "no" as of today. As I progress through my postdoc, I may change my mind. I saw see how I feel about academia next month.

But right now, I will just bask in the joy and excitement of receiving a paycheck!