Friday, November 14, 2008

A Slide to Remember...

Oh my life flashed before my eyes...

On Tuesday, we got 6 inches of snow!!! I should not have opened my big mouth. I remember waking up early, looking outside, and wondering when we would see the Alaskan snow that we all have waited for. Not that I am ready for the white crystallized water, but it is not exactly summer anymore. Let it snow or let it shine! Unfortunately, we were in limbo. By the afternoon, snow was everywhere and the road conditions were hazardous!

The next morning I made the decision to begin my 10 minute (now 20 minute) journey to work so I would miss the tardy-ridden filled of rage drivers. I decided to take the scenic route into the office, which begins with a nice ride up a hill with a stoplight sitting on top. Of course, I thought I would time my ride upward just right so I would pass with ease through the green light. I don't know why I believed I would beat the light. Just as I was about to complete my glorious climb, the light changed abruptly.

I pressed on the car break, which of course, was a lost cause! All of a sudden, my fast climb upward became an even a faster slide downward. I skidded to the the the right, to the right. Then, all of a sudden, the car was paral;el to the stop light that was becoming a blurry bright reflection just behind the hill. A thousand thoughts rushed through my head, "Awwwww...", "Thank God my mom and dad are not with me now...." "STOP, STOP," "Would this be a great excuse to take a day off work...?" My right leg went numb from pressing the brake. With the last burst of adrenaline that I had, I made one last attempt to stop the vechile and, by the grace of God, I ended up on the side of the hill caught between a small pile of snow.

After blinking a million times, counting all fingers and toes (what was remaining on my left foot), and praising Jesus over and over again, I was able to turn the steering wheel towards what was left of the hill. I took the most travelled route into work and somehow made it to work with 15 minutes to spare, before 7:30!

I still can't believe that I made it without causing bodily harm to another person and to myself. Needless to say, I made an appointment for studded tires at 7:35 that same morning. That truly was a slide to remember!

1 comment:

ScrappyGoodness said...

First, let me say I am glad that you are alright! Second, you had me LOL! Someone just walked by my office and looked at me like I was crazy! I think getting the correct tires are a must!