Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Life is surreal...

Blogging was a backseat passenger in the past two months. December and January were marked with physical and professional transitions.

First, I gave up my "cheechako" Alaskan status and now reside temporarily in Cereal City, USA. Yes, I have a taken a slight U-turn and returned to Battle Creek, MI so I may complete my last two semesters of my docotral program. I have to admit that it was very odd for me to re-enter Battle Creek after a 10 hour drive. Everything was almost how I left it with the exception of a few new billboards. Sometimes change just eludes people, places, and things and Battle Creek just happens to be one of those places.

The second transition is that I went from being gainfully employed to an unemployed full-time student. What a decision particularly in these hard economic times as President Obama attempts to pass the stimulus bill. Perhaps I will be a beneficiary of it! Thank God it passed! Now, I have no excuses to FINISH my doctorate. My dissertation writing has my undivided attention. I cannot believe that I worked the majority of my graduate studies. As my sister-in-law, Jessica, observed my so called blog should have "gypsy" in the title. So true to form, my blog title has officially changed from "My Alaskan Adventure" to "My Gypsy Adventure." I can describe how I travel state to state, house to house mooching off of family and friends and seeing how long I can survive eating high fiber bread, turkey, a can of tuna, diet pepsi (caffeine free of course!) . Just kidding! I am amazed how my mom, dad, brothers, sis-in-laws, extended family, and even CJ (at ripe 8-months) have been very supportive.

Life is surreal! When I think of all the things that I have been blessed to do in the past 2 1/2 years, I am flabbergasted! Dog mushing, shooting rifles and an archery bow on the range, going to the Moose Dropping festival, ice fishing, cross country skiing, midnight hikes with moose lurking at every corner, stepping aboard an Air Force aircraft, jumping high as I touch the sky on top of Flattop mountain...I cannot believe that I was able to help a person or two along the way. I know that my return to Battle Creek will not even exceed my Alaskan Adventure. Maybe if I compete with some of Kellogg finest in a cereal eating contest to see who can hold the most fiber? Naw...nothing will compare.

1 comment:

ScrappyGoodness said...

YEAH!!! LOVE IT! This will be great you will see. You will come to love it!