Thursday, February 12, 2009

Over the Rainbow...

Yesterday it was raining cats, dogs, lions, tigers, and bears! Ok...maybe not that terribly, but it rained all day and most of the night. When I got to the gym early evening, the rainstorm cleared and was blessed to see an awesome sight. I wish I had my camera because it was definitely a Kodak moment...a 5-color rainbow clearly hung in the sky like a newly painted masterpiece. It spanned from the corner where gym was located and appeared to spanned miles upward to a bed of clouds surrounded by a blue crisp sky. A couple of thoughts came to my mind.

First, it does not matter how bad my past or my current day are going, there is a place where I can find peace in the storm. It may be in the place that I least expect to find it. Who would have thought that I would find a rainbow arching over Gold's Gym? It was a small reminder from God that I can find a place, a moment, or a creative space where there is no chaos, no earthly demands, no irritating, bossy, people, no dissertation, no sickness, no pain...just beauty and peace.

Secondly, I could not help but think about where the rainbow ends. I also think that things would be better on the other side. Most people look for a pot of gold; I look for other things, but I should not. Not that I stop pursuing my aspirations, but I do not have to try to look so hard for things that I already have. God has given me everything I need. I just need to rest in it. It would be really neat if I had:
My mom's faith...
My dad's devotion...
My bro John's laid back nature...
My bro Curtis charm and money savvy...
My sis-in law Sarah's strength...
My sis in-law Jessica's creativity...
My nephew CJ's ability to see everything new for the second, third, fourth, time..
My niece Jalyn's innocence...

Perhaps that new personality is waiting for me over the rainbow. I would have no doubt that I would be near perfect. Thank God that He found it in this perfect plan to make all these blessed people and placed them in my life so I can enjoy my treasure on Earth.

1 comment:

Barnes2008 said...

Hey, P... Thanks for the compliment. You are the best sister in-law anyone could ask for.. Much love you cracker-thief..LOL